After a few weeks of bachelor button and calendula harvesting along came the cosmos! Cosmos can come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I took a couple of seasons off from growing them because of how delicate they are, but I just couldn't resist this year. It's nice to have something to grab from the garden that adds a little movement to a bouquet or arrangement.
Cosmos are a "tender annual" meaning, just like me, they really don't like the cold. Without a greenhouse or some sort of protection from the elements it's best to wait until after the last frost to plant them outside. I love experimenting, though, so this year I gambled and planted them the first week of March. When the temps dipped below freezing I covered the seedlings with frost cloth and held my breath. All but a few survived. Success! Now we're getting to enjoy cosmos earlier than ever before.
The first cosmos to bloom for us were Bright Lights and Apricot Lemonade. We will have a few more colors and varieties as the temps get hot. By a few more, I mean a lot. I may or may not have planted an entire 45' row in cosmos...